Dental Health Policy
Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) grantees and Federally Qualified Health Centers can use this guide to create partnerships that increase access to oral health services for children in MSHS and their families. Contents include steps and considerations for effective partnering. Topics include the importance of oral health, comprehensive oral health care, financing, collaborative planning, and best practices.
Discover how Head Start programs are making a difference in the lives of four children and their families in this short video. The video includes vignettes about primary care health services the children and their families received while enrolled in Head Start. One vignette, "Matthew's Story, " focuses on oral health. A companion video guide reinforces key messages from the video and provides a basic description of health services in the Head Start Program Performance Standards. [Matthew's Story, Companion Guide]
The oral health forms are important records of a pregnant woman's or child's dental visit. The forms provide information on dental home and current oral health status, and what oral health care services were delivered during the dental visit. These services include diagnostic and preventive services, counseling, restorative and emergency care, and referral to a specialist for care. The forms also record what oral health care services are needed and any information to share with others.
Find out how Head Start staff can help improve the oral health of American Indian and Alaska Native infants, children, and pregnant women. The booklets provide information to help programs meet oral health-related Program Performance Standards and apply best practices for prevention and early intervention. They also include sample forms for assessment, treatment, and topical fluoride application; posters on first aid for dental emergencies and oral health promotion; and a reference guide on classroom toothbrushing.
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This report explores opportunities and challenges in addressing Medicaid eligibility and enrollment for children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers. It examines Medicaid portability—the ability of Medicaid to follow children from one state to another. The analysis presents an overview of Medicaid eligibility and enrollment. It also offers approaches to increasing Medicaid enrollment and portability for children in Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs, using Head Start programs as a mechanism for identifying and enrolling children in Medicaid.
Watch the video for strategies classroom teachers and staff can use to teach young children about how to brush their teeth. Topics include tailoring the instruction to each child's developmental level, using the right amount of fluoride toothpaste, and limiting mouth rinsing after toothbrushing.
Explore the importance of toothbrushing protocols for Head Start staff and others serving children ages 3 to 5 at high risk for tooth decay. The brochure addresses when to schedule brushing and frequency of brushing; where to brush; adult supervision of children while brushing; selection, hygiene, storage, and replacement of toothbrushes; importance of using fluoridated toothpaste; selecting and dispensing toothpaste; brushing techniques; and rinsing after brushing.
Use this tip sheet to enhance collaboration between state oral health program (SOHP) directors and Head Start State Collaboration Office (HSSCO) directors and staff. It discusses how the relationship between SOHPs and HSSCOs has developed to date and outcomes of collaboration. It also provides recommendations for further collaboration.