Oral Health WA
The Oral Health Centre is WA’s only provider of specialist dental services to patients eligible for public dental treatment. Services available on referral from a general dentist include:
- dental surgery
- orthodontics
- prosthodontics.
The Oral Centre also provides general dental services, such as cleaning and scaling or fillings, to eligible patients.
This is a world-class facility, with the most modern clinical and teaching services available. It also operates an after hours emergency clinic.
The Oral Health Centre of WA is a partnership between The University of Western Australia and WA Health, with the collaboration of Curtin University of Technology and the Central College of TAFE.
This integrated teaching, research and service delivery centre opened in 2002 and is a national first in dental education and service delivery. All dental personnel including dentists, technicians, prosthetists, hygienists, therapists and assistants are trained in the one 10, 000m2 facility.