Oral Health
Oral Health conditions
In the folk song “Dem Bones, ” every bone is connected to the next one in line. Here’s an interesting wrinkle on that idea: The gum bone, or at least problems with it, are connected to all sorts of health problems. Gum disease—which begins when the sticky, bacteria-laden film known as plaque builds up around your teeth—is closely linked to premature birth, heart disease, diabetes…
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Oral Health Center
Today, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia M. Burwell announced nearly $156 million in funding to support 420 health centers in 47 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to increase access to integrated oral health care services and improve oral health outcomes for Health Center Program patients. This funding enables health centers to expand integrated…
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Bad Oral Health effects
Even if you brush your teeth daily, you may still have dangerous bacteria growing inside your mouth. Not only could that lead to periodontitis (an advanced form of gum disease that comes with symptoms such as bleeding when you brush and gum pain), but studies also find a link between poor oral hygiene and major health issues. Here are some ways that missing the mark on oral…
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Dental Health Tips
It is a fact that the healthy teeth are the factor with the greatest influence on anyone s confidence. This is why we pay so much attention to our teeth. As we are slowly entering autumn the weather is gradually changing for the worse. Also, the temperature is dropping slowly and in couple of months it is going to be freezing outside. Did you know that cold weather may leave…
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Improving Oral Health
I’m always been somewhat fascinated by oral health and even remember asking my orthodontist why my teeth were crooked to begin with when getting braces. Of course, his answer: simply genetic. Just like my dentist told me that teeth couldn’t heal and that sugar was causing cavities. As I researched my way into a real food diet, a lot of things started making a lot more sense…
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Oral Health Tips for proper Dental care
Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, more widespread oral care education, and the availability of better oral care tools, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and interdental cleaners (brushes to clean between the teeth), a greater number of older adults are keeping their natural teeth for a much longer period of time. It is important to remember, however, that keeping your…
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National Oral Health Conference
The American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) Council on Educational Affairs invites abstract submissions for the General Poster and Oral Presentations sessions for the 2017 National Oral Health Conference® (NOHC) The Council is interested in issues relevant to dental public health. These may include scientific research, community-based interventions, workforce…
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What is Oral Health care?
Good oral health involves more than just brushing. To keep your teeth and mouth healthy for a lifetime of use, there are steps that you should follow. Here s what you should consider: 1. Understand your own oral health needs. Talk with your dentist, other oral health care specialist, or hygienist about any special conditions in your mouth and any ways in which your medical/health…
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Oral Health promotion
The threat of noncommunicable diseases and the need to provide urgent and effective public health responses led to the formulation of a global strategy for prevention and control of these diseases, endorsed in 2 by the Fifty-third World Health Assembly (resolution WHA 53.17). Priority is given to diseases linked by common, preventable and lifestyle related risk factors (e.g…
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Oral Health Research Topics
Goal Prevent and control oral and craniofacial diseases, conditions, and injuries, and improve access to preventive services and dental care. Overview The health of the teeth, the mouth, and the surrounding craniofacial (skull and face) structures is central to a person’s overall health and well-being. Oral and craniofacial diseases and conditions include: Dental caries (tooth…
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Oral Health overall Health
The condition of your mouth is closely tied to your overall health. Find out how oral health is linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more. Taking care of your teeth isn t just about having a nice smile and pleasant breath. Recent research has found a number of links between oral health and overall health. While in many cases, the nature of this link still isn t clear…
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Oral Health Fact Sheets
Resources for Patients and Health Care Professionals Through information provided at this site, we hope more of these individuals will have access to dental care and receive home-based dental prevention activities. 17% of children in Washington State have a special need; half of these children have mild-moderate special needs. Many individuals with special needs do not have…
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Dental Health Facts
Men fare worse than women in many aspects of oral health, including rates of gum disease, tooth loss and certain oral infections. Some of these differences reflect dental health habits that are lacking more in men than in women, whereas others may be due to higher blood pressure and risk of heart disease. The medications men take to control these conditions can be a factor…
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Dental Health Foundation
The San Diego Dental Health Foundation (SDDHF) was founded in 1992 by dentists in the San Diego County area to provide funding for dental health education and dental health programs in our community. We are a small Foundation, with two part-time paid staff members and a nine member Board of Directors. Since 1992, SDDHF has provided funding for a wide variety of projects that…
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CDC Division of Oral Health
A nation where all people enjoy good oral health that contributes to leading healthy, satisfying lives. Our Mission To prevent and control oral diseases and conditions by building the knowledge, tools, and networks that promote healthy behaviors and effective public health practices and programs. Our Goals To prevent and control dental caries (tooth decay) across the life stages…
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Oral Health Magazine
Jerrold H. Epstein, DDS, says today’s patients go to great lengths to save their teeth. Photo Courtesy of Kathleen Cravedi, NLM Jerrold H. Epstein, DDS , a general dentist in Alexandria, Virginia, has been in practice for 35 years. He spoke with NIH MedlinePlus magazine about oral health issues common in older adults. What has been your experience in seeing patients with dry…
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Dental Health Awareness Month
Colgate has been celebrating Oral Health Month since 2012, always focusing on creating awareness of proper oral health habits to promote healthy smiles among Hispanic communities nationwide. A collaboration that will make you smile For the first time, Colgate is collaborating with the American Dental Association this year to improve oral health outcomes among U.S. Hispanics…
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National Oral Health Plan
The major message of the report is that oral health means much more than healthy teeth, and is integral to the general health and well-being of all Americans. Oral health must be included in the provision of health care and design of community programs. Safe and effective means of maintaining oral health that everyone can adopt to improve oral health and prevent disease have…
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Oral Health in Children
Public Health England’s (PHE) rapid evidence review and ROI tool were commissioned from the York Health Economics Consortium and developed in partnership with PHE. The ROI tool allows effectiveness data on oral health interventions to be used to estimate the potential economic benefits from each intervention. The tool uses the best available evidence to estimate the reduction…
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